Mania Altman
*1938 in Radom, Poland
Lelka Birnbaum
*1933 in Poland
Sergio De Simone
*1937 in Naples, Italy
Sara Goldfinger
*September 20 1933 in Ostrowiec, Poland
Riwka Herszberg
*1938 in Zduńska Wola, Poland
Eduard and Alexander Hornemann
*1933/1936 in Eindhoven, the Netherlands
Marek James
*1939 in Poland
Walter Jungleib
*1932 in Slovakia
Lea Klygerman
*1937 in Ostrowiec, Poland
Georges-André Kohn
*1932 in Paris, France
Bluma Mekler
*1934 in Sandomierz, Poland
Jacqueline Morgenstern
Eduard Reichenbaum
*1934 in Kattowitz, Poland
Marek Steinbaum
*1937 in Radom, Poland
H. Wassermann
*1937 in Poland
Roman und Eleonora Witoński
*1938/1939 in Radom, Poland
R. Zeller
Ruchla Zylberberg
*1936 in Zawichost, Poland